Admin Manual

Table of Contents



Mconnect Omnichannel is designed to allow you to have access to all your communications platforms from one dashboard. From voice, to video to Facebook and WhatsApp messages you no longer need to toggle between different tabs and keep a different set of credentials for each one. 

The menu is divided into 4 major sections:  
Information Display – Historical records for all communication (Dashboard) and live calls status for all the agents (Advanced Dashboard). 
Settings and configuration – Configure Wrap-Up Codes, Call Queues, PBX Settings, Message Templates, Departments, Agents and more from here. 
Agent interaction – Chats (Chatbot, WhatsApp, Facebook, Internal Chat), Email Ticketing, Call. 
Insight Report – Generate statistic reports and analysis. 


Login to Mconnect OmniChannel: – Admin access is required.

Admin Manual - MC-Dashboard

  1. Main Menu
  2. Historical records
  3. Dashboard – Shortcut
  4. Chat history (Internal) with contacts 

1. Main Menu 

Detailed section for individual area: 
Manage: Setup and manage contacts, departments and agents 
Voice-3CX: Synchronization with 3CX 
Messaging: SMS, Chat, WhatsApp, Facebook data 
Email: Ticketing support system 
Reports: Pre-defined report format for easy export to Excel 
Setting: Preference/ personalized settings  


2. Historical Records 

A bird’s eye view of all forms of contact that occur in your call center; channel + Direction + Source or Destination ID. The content view (Chat/ SMS content) can be restricted according to agent and roles. For detailed reports, please refer to the Reports section in this manual. 

3. Dashboard Shortcut 


Messaging > Chat

User Manual - sms Messaging > SMS

User Manual - call recent Call > Recent

User Manual - email ticketing Email > Email Ticketing

User Manual - whatsapp Messaging > WhatsApp

User Manual - facebook Messaging > Facebook

User Manual - internal chat Messaging > Internal Chat

User Manual - chatbot Chatbot

4.Internal Chat contact & history 

For ease of internal communication, chat windows are available for all the interface in the browser. For detail on the usage, please referred to Internal Chat in this manual.

Advanced Dashboard

Admin Manual - Advanced Wallboard


The advanced wallboard setting resets by default daily at 12:00AM. This can be changed according to your preferences. 


Advanced Wallboard – Maximize View 


Admin Manual - Advanced Wallboard - Maximize View


To maximize the wallboard, press  User Manual - expand button  twice. This setting is usually used for the main wallboard display where you do not want to show the side menu. 

Beneath the main admin wallboard interface, you will find additional live queue details.


Advanced Wallboard – Agent & Queue Details 


Admin Manual - Advanced Wallboard – Agent & Queue Details


Here you will find more granular agent and queue details such as who is online and call statistics. 

Queue Details 

Admin Manual - Queue Details


To view the queue login details, click on Admin Manual - queue login details


Agent Details 

Admin Manual - Agent Details


To change the agents that are be displayed on the dashboard, click  Admin Manual - settings  and tick/ untick the checkbox. 

Click on the “Update” button to save the changes or “Cancel”.

Messaging – Chat

Admin Manual - Messaging Chat 

Functions buttons under Chat:

  1. Maximize / Minimize dashboard & display
  2. Chat status & history
  3. Internal contact list and chat history
  4. Profile settings / Logout
  5. Know how help video


Chat workflow


The chatbot passes the chats onto the agents when a solution cannot be found or the customer requests to speak with an agent.


Chat workflow


Chats Search – Status & History

User Manual - Chats Search - Status - History 


Under Chat there are 3 tabs:

  1. Active – All active chats
  2. Closed – Chats that no are longer open (questions answered, issue resolved etc.)
  3. Missed – Conversations that were not picked up (After office hours, agent busy, etc.)

Chat Filter – Active Chat


Admin Manual - Chat Filter Active Chat


Navigate to the “ACTIVE” tab. Type your message in the chat box. Alternatively, you can use a message template as well as attach documents by using buttons next to the chat box.


Active Chat – Use Template

Admin Manual - Use Template


If you have standard templates configured, you can use these by:

  1. Clicking on the Template icon User Manual - close button.
  2. A pop-up will appear with a drop-down from which you can select a template.
  3. Click “Pick out” to use the selected template.

Active Chat – Add Attachment

Admin Manual - Add Attachment


You can add an attachment by:

  1. Clicking on the Attachment button User Manual - linked button.
  2. A pop-up will appear. Click on the “Choose File” button to select the file you want to attach.
  3. Choose your file and click “Submit”.

Chat Filter – Closed Chat

Admin Manual - Chat Filter – Closed Chat


Navigate to the “CLOSED” tab. Here you can view all closed chats and select a message to view. Once a chat is closed it cannot be reactivated.

Chat Filter – Missed Chat

Admin Manual - Chat Filter – Missed Chat


Navigate to the “MISSED” tab. Here you can view all chats that were missed and left unanswered. A missed chat includes the information submitted by the requester.



  1. From here you can configure and manage: 
    Contacts – All the contacts that are saved from calls 
  2. Message Templates – Default message templates  
  3. Department – Manage internal departments and members 
  4. Agents – Manage agents’ accounts and access 

Manage – Contact 


Admin Manual - Manage – Contact

  1. Click to Call – Call the extension directly 
  2. Edit the contact details. 

Manage – Message Templates 


Admin Manual - Manage – Message Templates

Add, edit or delete the message templates. 


Message Template – Add/ Edit 


Admin Manual - Message Template - Add: Edit

  1. Select the department which you want to assign the template. You can assign multiple departments by holding the Ctrl key and clicking on the department name. 
  2. Name the template. 
  3. Create the template content. 
  4. Click “Submit” to save the template or “Cancel”. 

To delete a template click on Admin Manual - delete.


Manage – Departments 


Admin Manual - Manage – Departments


  1. Departments are automatically retrieved from 3CX. Simply press the “+Retrieve From 3CX” to import. 
  2. Add Department – Create a new local department. 
  3. Edit/ change the Department content. 
  4. Delete/ remove Department from the list. 
  5. Allow the selected department access to the Email Ticketing system. All agents within the department will have the menu display if turned on. 
  6. Allow the selected department access to the Chat function. All agents within the department will have the menu display if turned on. 

Note: The system will only retrieve the Department Name from 3CX if the name is not already found in the software. It is advised that the 3CX department name is not changed to start with the Country ID e.g. AU, NZ etc. to reduce duplications. 


Department – Add 


Admin Manual - Department – Add


Create a department in the system by clicking on “Add Department”. 

  1. Enter department name 
  2. Department Alias – Usually used with 3CX sync account 
  3. Drag and drop the agent you want to add to the department from the “InActive agent”list. 
  4. Once completed, press Update to confirm the changes. 


Manage – Agents 


Admin Manual - Manage – Agents


  1. +Retrieve from 3CX – from here you can import agents from 3CX. 
  2. Status – Edit the agent’s status. If the status is off the agent will not be able to login. It is advised to disable an agent’s status rather than deleting them. 
  3. Action – from here you can delete the agent, resend the welcome email or edit the agent’s details and rights as well as passwords and credentials. 
  4. Search – search for an agent by phone number. 

Voice – 3CX


Aux Code 

Admin Manual - Aux Code

Aux Code is the agent’s status within a queue, i.e. available, lunch break etc. For more details on how to logoff the queue, please refer to the Dialler-Logout the Queue. Aux Codes 1-5 are default.  

  1. You can add a new Aux Code by clicking on “+Add Aux Codes” button. 
  2. The edit button allows you to update the code’s name. 
  3. Click on to delete a code. 

Caution: Aux Code Deletion can cause serious issues if it’s not planned correctly. 


Wrap Up Code 

create wrap up code

Wrap-up codes indicate the nature of an interaction. Agents specify wrap-up codes after completing an interaction; for example, a completed sale, a customer dissatisfied with service, or a billing problem. To create a wrap up code: 

  1. Create the Wrap Up Category and assign it to a Department (Group). 
  2. Select the Wrap Up Categories and start creating Wrap Up Codes. 

Add/Edit Wrap Up Category 

Admin Manual - Add:Edit Wrap Up Category

  1. “+Add Category Code” to will allow you to add a new category. Enter the Category Name and select the Department you wish to assign to the wrap up code. Multi-selection is possible by holding the Ctrl button and using the mouse for selection. Click Update once done.  
  2. Edit the category by clicking on the edit Admin Manual - edit button button.  
  3. Click on the Admin Manual - delete button to delete a category. Any codes under this category will also be deleted. 

Add/Edit Wrap Up Code 

Admin Manual - Add:Edit Wrap Up Code

  1. Select the category you want to add the code. If there are no categories in the dropdown you need to create one, before proceeding with the code setup. Refer to the section Add/Edit Wrap Up Category. 
  2. Key-in the Wrap Up Code and press enter. You can keep adding by pressing “Enter” at the end of each code. 
  3. Press “Update” to confirm the changes. 

Wrap Up Code – Delete 

Admin Manual - Wrap Up Code – Delete

Individual code deletion can be performed by clicking the close sign (x). Click Update to confirm the changes. 
By clicking the Admin Manual - delete button, you delete the series. Performing this action can cause serious issues on the system if not done with caution. 

Call Queue (Phase 2 implementation) 

Call queues manage the flow of calls coming into the system. Most call queue configuration is done within 3CX. Consult your 3CX administrator if you would like to make edits to the queue.

Admin Manual - Call Queue (Phase 2 implementation)

  1. +Retrieve from 3CX – Import your queue information from 3CX. 
  2. Add Queue – create a new call queue. Select the agents you want to add to the queue by clicking the switch Admin Manual - switch button button. 
  3. Edit the queue by clicking the edit Admin Manual - edit button button. 

Call Queue – Add/ Edit Agent (Sales Department)   

Admin Manual - Call Queue – Add: Edit Agent (Sales Department)

Click on the View Admin Manual - view button button to change the queue settings. 

Admin Manual - Agents to view the queue agents

Click on Agents to view the queue agents. Click “+Update” to update the agent. 

Admin Manual - Click “+Update” to update the agent

Select/ deselect the checkbox to add or remove the agent to/from the queue. Click “Update” when done. 

Call Queue – Edit Queue Rules 

Admin Manual - Call Queue – Edit Queue Rules

Click on the Advanced settings: 

  1. Wrap-Up Time (seconds): The wrap-up time in seconds. Zero means it will stay infinitely. 
  2. Maximum Callers in Queue: maximum callers permitted to be waiting in the queue. 
  3. Configure SLA Time in Seconds: Service Level Agreement. Action taken when reached SLA. 

To delete the queue, press Admin Manual - delete

PBX Setting (Phase 2 implementation) 

Admin Manual - PBX Setting (Phase 2 implementation)

  • This is the main configuration with 3CX. 
  • Click on the edit button.  
  • Update the URL and SIP Port. If this is entered incorrectly 3CX will be misconfigured and disconnected. 



Chat workflow 

The chatbot passes the chats onto the agents when a solution cannot be found or the customer requests to speak with an agent. 


Chat workflow


Messaging Chat 


Admin Manual - Messaging – Chat

Functions under Chat: 

  1. Maximize / Minimize dashboard & display 
  2. Chat status & history* 
  3. Internal contact list and chat history 
  4. Profile setting / Logout
  5. Know-how / help video 

*Here you will also see 3 tabs: 

  1. Active – All active chats 
  2. Closed – Chats that no are longer open (questions answered, issue resolved etc.) 
  3. Missed – Conversations that were not picked up (After office hours, agent busy, etc.) 


Chat Filter – Active Chat 


Admin Manual - Chat Filter – Active Chat

Navigate to the “ACTIVE” tab. Type your message in the chat box. Alternatively, you can use a message template as well as attach documents by using buttons next to the chat box. 

a. Use Template 

Admin Manual - Use Template

If you have standard templates configured, you can use these by: 

  1. Clicking on the Template icon User Manual - close button
  2. A pop-up will appear with a drop-down from which you can select a template. 
  3. Click “Pick out” to use the selected template. 
b. Add Attachment 

Admin Manual - Add Attachment


You can add an attachment by: 

  1. Clicking on the User Manual - linked button Attachment button . 
  2. A pop-up will appear. Click on the “Choose File” button to select the file you want to attach. 
  3. Choose your file and click “Submit”.


Chat Filter – Closed Chat 


Admin Manual - Chat Filter – Closed Chat


Navigate to the “CLOSED” tab. Here you can view all closed chats and select a message to view. Once a chat is closed it cannot be reactivated. 


Chat Filter – Missed Chat 


Admin Manual - Chat Filter – Missed Chat


Navigate to the “MISSED” tab. Here you can view all chats that were missed and left unanswered. A missed chat includes the information submitted by the requester.  


Messaging – Internal Chat 


Admin Manual - Messaging – Internal Chat


This function enables you to communicate with internal staff and colleagues. There are two ways to have the internal communication on the same browser: 

  1. Web chat 
  2. Floating windows access (Internal contacts) 


Internal Chat via web chat 


Admin Manual - Internal Chat via web chat


Select the contact you want to chat with, type your message and press the send button or enter on your keyboard. 


Internal Chat via floating windows 


Admin Manual - Internal Chat via floating windows


Floating windows allow you to perform a quick chat with internal team members. Click on contacts, select the contact that you wish to chat, type in the message and press send. 
To hide the chat, press the minimize button (–). 


Admin Manual - For the internal chat history, click on the contact from within the chat function.


For the internal chat history, click on the contact from within the chat function. 


Messaging – SMS 


Admin Manual - Messaging – SMS


SMS has the same function as Chat, with the difference that it composes an SMS and not a chat message.  

SMS – Compose Message 


Admin Manual - SMS – Compose Message


To compose a new message, fill in the fields with: 

  1. Sender ID: The SMS number/ ID you want to display on the receiver’s device.
  2. Country Code: Receiver’s country code 
  3. Mobile Number: Receiver’s mobile number 
  4. Enter Message: Conversation 

SMS – Convert into Ticket 


Admin Manual - SMS – Convert into Ticket


Convert the SMS into an Email Ticket: 

  1. Click on Admin Manual - generate ticket  
  2. A pop-up will appear with a drop-down. From here select the department you want to assign the ticket to. 

SMS – Status Delivery 


Admin Manual - SMS – Status Delivery


After hitting the send button, you will find the status display in 1 or 2. 

  1. SMS was not delivered to the mobile phone 
  2. SMS was successfully delivered to the mobile phone 
    If the SMS was  not delivered to the phone, try to re-send the message. Otherwise, check that you entered the correct number and try again. 

Messaging – WhatsApp (Phase 2 implementation) 


Admin Manual - Messaging – WhatsApp (Phase 2 implementation)


If WhatsApp is not activated, you will be prompted with the message “Sorry, you don’t have any Instance”. You can purchase the service/instance from Cal4Care. Each instance refers to a single phone number. 
Requirements: The phone is required to be switched on at all times to be able to send and receive messages. Any lost connection from the phone will disrupt the communication. 

Messaging – Facebook (Phase 2 implementation) 


Admin Manual - Messaging – Facebook (Phase 2 implementation)


Messaging – Chatbot 


Admin Manual - Messaging – Chatbot


A chatbot automatically answers website chat questions by recognising specific pre-determined keywords used within the chat. 

a. Add Questions 


Admin Manual - Add Questions

  1. Click on the Add Questions 
  2. Enter the predictive question 
  3. Enter the answer to the question 

The chatbot will provide answers as long as the question contains the keywords/key phrases you determine.  
Example: Is this item in stock? Will this item be in stock soon? Both questions will be tagged under the “in stock” question/answer. 
Press Admin Manual - delete to delete a chatbot question/answer. 



Email Ticketing

Admin Manual - Email Ticketing
  1. Changing view (Standard/ Card) 
  2. Filter (by date/ duration) 
  3. Ticket Quick Access 

Email Ticketing – Change View

There are 2 types of view: Standard and Card. You can change the view based on preference. 
Standard View 

Admin Manual - Email Ticketing – Change View -standard view

Standard view shows all tickets (Not respond, Open/ Closed/ Total tickets) of individuals within the active month. 

Card View
Admin Manual - Email Ticketing – Change View -card view

Card view displays the statistic summaries of the month. The point system is based on the number of tickets resolved by agent vs time.  

Email Ticketing – Filtering (Date Range) 

You can do filtering either by Department, Status, or both. 

Filter by Period/ Duration  

Admin Manual - Filter by Period: Duration

Admins can filter by dedicated period. General filter performs date selection. 

Ticket Quick Access 

Admin Manual - Ticket Quick Access

My Tickets – Ticket(s) that are assigned to you. All tickets are considered “My Tickets” for Admin users. 
Queue Tickets – New ticket(s) that are in the queue which have not yet been assigned. 

Admin Manual - Auto respond email templates

Templates – Auto respond email templates. Use when “New Ticket received”, “Ticket Assigned” or “Ticket Closed”. All email content can be pre-loaded into the template. 

Admin Manual - Settings – Email Ticketing related configuration

Settings – Email Ticketing related configuration. (Email alerts – group & individual, Forward listing, SMTP configuration, Email strategy, Email Blocking and Priority flags) 

Admin Manual - add spam list

To add the email address as spam, simply enter the email address and select Spam List. Click update to confirm the changes. Email ID added in blacklist will not be accepted in ticketing system.

Admin Manual - email spam list

View the Spam Emails by clicking the Admin Manual - drop down
To delete the spam emails, click on the Admin Manual - delete spam emails

Ticket Criteria Filtering (My Tickets & Queue Tickets) 

My Ticket 

Admin Manual - My Ticket

Queue Ticket 

Admin Manual - Queue Ticket

Both “My Tickets” and “Queue Tickets” having similarity in filter function: View, Department and Change Row Count. Admin are the owner of all the tickets, hence the account can performed extended filters by “Agents” and “Status”. 

Table View and Card View 

Admin Manual - Table View and Card View

How the filter works 

Select the Department, Agent or Status that you would like to show in the portal. Example:  
Scenario 1: Agent 1 and Agent 5 with the status of “Closed”. (Select Agent Names, then select ticket status “Closed”) 
Scenario 2: Department Sales with Status of “New”. (Select Sales and Technical in Department, then select “New” in ticket status) 
Scenario 3: All tickets with status “Progress”. (Only select “Progress” in ticket status) 

How the filter works

There is a subset rule applied: Status -> Department -> Agent. Status is always the main set-in filter criteria, followed by department, and finally agent.  

Filter by Department 

Admin Manual - Filter by Department

The department filter allows you to select one department at a time. From the drop-down select the department to be filtered. 

Filter by Status 

Admin Manual - Filter by Status

Status filtering allows for multiple selections. 

  1. Click on the Status filter for the drop-down menu. 
  2. Click the checkbox for selection. 
  3. Click Submit to confirm the selection.

Filter by Agent 

Admin Manual - Filter by Agent

Agent filtering allows multiple selections. If you apply the agent and department filters, ensure that the agent is a member of the department. 

  1. Click on the Agent filter for drop down menu. 
  2. Click the checkbox for selection. 
  3. Click Submit to confirm the selection.  

Reset Filter 

When no filter is applied, you will see the filter buttons displayed as” Select Agent”, “Select Department” and “Select Status”.  

Admin Manual - Reset Filter

Drop the filter and select “All” to reset the filters.  

Email Ticketing – Assign Ticket (Single or Bulk) 

  1. Click the checkbox to select ticket. (Multiple selection is possible) 
  2. Click on the assign button User Manual - assign button.  
  3. A pop-up will appear from which you must choose the department to assign to. 

Completed, Closed and Archived tickets cannot be assigned.  

Email Ticketing – Create Ticket 

Admin Manual - Email Ticketing – Create Ticket

Any request via another communication channel, can be created as a ticket in the system. 

Admin Manual - Any request via another communication channel, can be created as a ticket in the system

  1. Department the ticket is being assigned to – Mandatory  
  2. Status of the ticket. (Active, Pending, etc) – Mandatory  
  3. Email used to send to the recipients (Source of the email) – Mandatory 
  4. Agent to be assigned.  
  5. Priority status. (Urgent, Medium, etc) – Mandatory  

Admin Manual - The ticket request (Description and details)

The ticket request (Description and details) can be drafted in here. You can attach files by clicking the “Choose Files” button. Once completed, click “Create New Ticket”. 

Admin Manual - Click on Email Ticketing, and the ticket can be found in the queue.

Click on Email Ticketing, and the ticket can be found in the queue. 
If you receive a bounce mail in the email ticketing queue, resend the email.  

Email Ticketing – Update Ticket 

Admin Manual - Email Ticketing – Update Ticket

  1. Back: Return to Email Ticketing Page. 
  2. Add note: Add a comment to the ticket, for internal view (Private note). 
  3. Reply: make a comment to the ticket, an email will be sent to the recipient. 
  4. Close: Closing the ticket. (Issue resolved or duplication) 
  5. Forward Thread: If escalation is required, you can forward the email to others. Simply enter the email address of the recipient(s). 
  6. Mark as Spam: If this email is not for the purpose of support (Advertisement, etc) 
  7. Delete: You may delete the ticket with caution. 

Add Private Note 

Admin Manual - Add Private Note

Adding a comment to the ticket for internal use only. 

Admin Manual - The note is displayed as a private note beneath the message thread.

The note is displayed as a private note beneath the message thread. 

Re-Opened Ticket 

Admin Manual - Re-Opened Ticket

A closed ticket can re-open by changing its status. 

Admin Manual - Re-Opened

In table view, the re-opened ticket will be marked as “Re-Opened” next to the status of the ticket. 

Admin Manual - when ticket is reopened

When the ticket is opened the re-opened Admin Manual - block icon icon will be displayed.

Update Ticket – Others 

Admin Manual - Update Ticket – Others

Click on a ticket to open it. A ticket can be updated as follows: 

  1. Status: Change status or close ticket. 
  2. Department: Assign the ticket to another department. 
  3. Agent: Re-assign to another agent (ensure the correct department is selected). 
  4. Update: Confirm the changes. 

Spam Ticket 

Admin Manual - Spam Ticket

When an agent/ user marks a ticket as spam it will be moved to the “Spam Ticket” folder. To block an email from the system the “+Add Spam” action is required. 

Admin Manual - Input the email address (Email ID) and select List Type (Spam List).

Input the email address (Email ID) and select List Type (Spam List).  

Admin Manual - email spam list

Click on the delete icon to unblock the email. 

Mark as Not Spam 

Admin Manual - Mark as Not Spam

Click on the email to open the thread. 

Admin Manual - recover a spam email

To recover a spam email, click on “Mark as Not Spam”. It will be moved to the Ticketing system. 

Ticket Templates 

Admin Manual - Ticket Templates

New Ticket Auto-reply: Trigger when the email is received. 
Ticket Assigned Template: Trigger when the ticket is assigned. 
Ticket Closed: Trigger when the ticket is closed by an agent or admin. 

Templates can be customized based on each department. You may edit the content of the templates, but not create new templates. You can switch the template on/off from the right top corner using the toggle “Use Template”. 

Admin Manual - Click Add Template

Click Add Template, and it will overwrite the existing template, or Discard to ignore the changes. 

Email Ticketing – Search 

Admin Manual - Email Ticketing – Search

Search for a ticket by ID, Subject or the Sender Email address using the search bar. 

Email Ticketing – Signature 

Admin Manual - Email Ticketing – Signature

Creating or updating a signature is done by clicking on this icon on the top right corner of the email ticketing page. 

Adding a Signature 

Admin Manual - Adding a Signature

Enter the signature information and click “Add Signature”. The signature will be saved as a template. 

  1. Add a link to the signature. 
  2. Add an image to the signature. 

Change default Signature 

Admin Manual - Change default Signature

Method 1: Click    during the signature creation. 
Method 2: Scroll down to see all signatures, select and click


Edit Signature Template 

Admin Manual - Edit Signature Template

  1. Click on the edit button on the right of the signature. 
  2. Update the signature’s content.  
  3. Click “Update Signature”.  


Email Settings 

a. Email Alert 

Admin Manual - Email Alert

  • New Email Alert: alert email for new incoming tickets/emails. 
  • Reply Email Alert: alert email for outbound replies to tickets. 
  • Close Email Alert: alert when a ticket is closed. 
  • Full thread Alert: alert when any form of communication (inbound or out) occurs to a ticket. 

Admin Manual - Group & Agent

Group & Agent: Configure the email address(es) of the ticket alert recipients. 

b. Email Forwarding 

Admin Manual - Email Forwarding

Manage the forwarding email for a specific department. 

Admin Manual - Manage the forwarding email

Configure additional SMTP settings. 

Admin Manual - Configure additional SMTP settings

System allows multiple SMTP accounts to be configured. Click “Add New SMTP” to configure. 


Email Strategy 

Define how an incoming email should be handled. (Broadcast or Round Robin) 

Admin Manual - Email Strategy

Admin Manual - incoming email strategy

Switching on the round robin strategy, will result in the email being assigned to agents using the round robin method. You can define the number of tickets override limit.  


Share Profile Image 

Admin Manual - Share Profile Image

This option sets the same profile image to all agents. 


Filter (Block) Incoming Email 

Admin Manual - Filter (Block) Incoming Email

Add unwanted email addresses in the blocking list and any emails from these addresses are blocked from the system. 


Priority Flag 

Admin Manual - Priority Flag

You can define a priority flag to be used in emails by typing the keyword and pressing enter (multiple attempts allowed), and then clicking update to complete the task. 

CTI Dialler

The dialler will appear at the bottom right corner of the browser. 
Admin Manual - CTI Dialler
Click on User Manual - phone dialler the to expand the dialler. 

Using the Dialler – Functions  

Admin Manual - Using the Dialler – Functions

  1. Search Contact/ View contact 
  2. Make call/ Hang up/ Keypad 
  3. Historical Call records 


Login/ Logout the Queue 

Admin Manual - Login: Logout the Queue

To logout the queue: 

  1. Click on the User Manual - queue btn icon on the dialler. 
  2. Click “Yes”. 
  3. Select the reason of logging out. (Aux Code) – for agents. Admins do not need to give a reason when logging out of a queue.  


Wrap Up Code – Handling Incoming Call 

Admin Manual - Wrap Up Code – Handling Incoming Call

Upon receiving a call, the caller will be cross-referenced with the contact list. In the event that the contact is not found it notifies the user. 


Update Caller information 

Admin Manual - Update Caller information

During the call, you can input the caller information into the Contact Details page. 


Using Wrap Up Code 

Admin Manual - Using Wrap Up Code

  1. Add the caller to the contact list. 
  2. Wrap up category (Purpose of call). 
  3. Wrap up code (Priority). 
  4. Any information to be added to this call. 
  5. Update the record.


Reports allow you to view the collection of data in a single table format. Different reports are available for different purposes. All fields are mandatory. 
General key function (multiple selection) 
User Manual - select call type
  1. Select the agent you want to generate the report for. For multiple selection, hold the CTRL key and select multiple agents with the mouse. 
  2. Input the caller number. 
  3. Select the duration of the report (mandatory). 
    Click on “Generate
  4. Report” to download the report in .csv format.


Wrap Up Code Report (Wrap Up Code, Duration) 

Admin Manual - Wrap Up Code Report (Wrap Up Code, Duration)

  1. From the drop down select the desired Wrap Up code. 
  2. Select the duration. 
  3. Click on the “Generate Report” button to to download the report in .csv format. 
  4. You can perform a quick search in the call history column for single call record results.


3CX Call Report (Agent, In/Out Call, Answered/ Missed Call, Duration) 

Admin Manual - 3CX Call Report (Agent, In:Out Call, Answered: Missed Call, Duration)

  1. Select the agent(s). 
  2. Select incoming or outgoing calls. If both are required, hold the Ctrl button and select. 
  3. Select the call type, answered or missed. 
  4. Select Duration (from and to date). 


Aux Code Report (Agent, Aux code, Queue status, Duration) 

Admin Manual - Aux Code Report (Agent, Aux code, Queue status, Duration)

  1. Select the agent to filter. 
  2. Select the Aux code (select all if no filter is applied). 
  3. Queue status (Login, Logout or both) 
  4. Select duration 
  5. Click on “Generate Report” to download the report in .csv format. 


Survey Report (Duration, Agent, Caller ID) 

Admin Manual - Survey Report (Duration, Agent, Caller ID)

  1. Select the duration. 
  2. Agent and Caller ID are optional.  
  3. Click on “Custom Search” to preview the report in the Call History table. 
  4. Click on “Generate Report” to download the report in .csv format. 

Survey Summary Report 

Admin Manual - Survey Summary Report

The survey summary report provides a summary statistic record over a certain duration of time. Select the period and click on “Generate Report” to download the report in .csv format. 


Chat Rating Report 

Admin Manual - Chat Rating Report

Select the duration click on “Generate Report” to download the report in .csv format.  



Global Settings 

Admin Manual - Global Settings

The Global Settings are applied to all users of the system. 

  • Main Logo: Displayed in standard interface. 
  • Small Logo: Displayed in minimized interface. 

Admin Manual - Select the WebRTC server

Select the WebRTC server nearest to your region. 


CRM Settings 

Admin Manual - CRM Settings

If there is an integration CRM in the system, choose custom CRM. Please get the assistance from distributor if you’re not sure what to configure. 

Single Sign On 

SSO configuration which will be used for Microsoft Team integration. You can purchase the integration license from your distributor. 

Admin Manual - Single Sign On


App Settings 

Admin Manual - App Settings

From here you can select the theme you want to set for the entire user base. 
Other configuration options available: 

  • ChatBot URL for ChatBot testing. 
  • Switch the Facebook Messenger to Live/ Demo. 
  • Download the reference document for WhatsApp usage. 
  • Json Source Code for Dialler, SMS and Internal Chat. 
  • API for posting data. 


SMS Management 

Admin Manual - SMS Management

  • Add the SMS sender number by clicking “+Add Sender ID”. 
  • Remove the SMS sender number from the system by clicking Admin Manual - delete icon. 


Chat Settings (From ChatBot to Agent) 

Admin Manual - Chat Settings (From ChatBot to Agent)

Add a new chat widget by clicking the Admin Manual - add widget button. The configuration includes: 

  • Widget Appearance 
  • Widget Code 
  • Direct Chat Link 
  • On Click Behaviour 
  • User & Department Management 
  • Idle Chat Duration 
  • Widget Settings: Offline Email, Show (Aviator, Agent Name, Departments), Time zone 
  • Consent Form 
  • Notification Sound 
  • Widget Behaviour (Visibility, Notification) 
  • Availability Restriction (Country restriction) 

Delete the widget by pressing Admin Manual - delete


Widget Settings 

Admin Manual - Widget Settings

  • Offline Email: All chatbot requests will be delivered to this email address. 
  • Show Agent Name: Display the agent’s name on the Chatbot. 
  • Manage Timing: Schedule times where the chatbot appears online or offline. Times are in local time zone. 


Consent Form 

Consent forms allow you to get approval from customers before they submit their chat message. 
Create a new form by pressing Admin Manual - plus icon and entering the name. 
From the drop-down list select the consent form you want to use. 

Admin Manual - Consent Form

  1. Select the consent form to use. 
  2. Enter the URL If you have any online policy to display. 
  3. Enter the consent message. 
  4. Option for Opt-In and Opt-Out for personal data. 


WhatsApp Instance Setting 


Admin Manual - WhatsApp Instance Setting